Tiphaine Delaunay
MONC, Inria — Institut de Mathématiques de Bordeaux
tiphaine.delaunay@ inria.fr

I am Tiphaine, a French post-doctorate in the field of applied mathematics.
I am currently working on mathematical modeling and data assimilation of tumor response to propranolol in angiosarcomas with Annabelle Collin, Christèle Etchegaray and François Moisan in the joint Inria-IMB project team MONC.
Previously, I did my PhD on observers for the wave equation under the supervision of Philippe Moireau and Sébastien Imperiale. For this project, I worked within the joint Inria-Ecole Polytechnique team MΞDISIM. and was funded by the ANR ODISSE.
Use this website to see my latest publications, my CV and my mathematical interests!