Tiphaine Delaunay

MONC, InriaInstitut de Mathématiques de Bordeaux



I am Tiphaine, a French post-doctorate in the field of applied mathematics.

I am currently working on mathematical modeling and data assimilation of tumor response to propranolol in angiosarcomas with Annabelle Collin, Christèle Etchegaray and François Moisan in the joint Inria-IMB project team MONC.

Previously, I did my PhD on observers for the wave equation under the supervision of Philippe Moireau and Sébastien Imperiale. For this project, I worked within the joint Inria-Ecole Polytechnique team MΞDISIM. and was funded by the ANR ODISSE.

Use this website to see my latest publications, my CV and my mathematical interests!

Selected publications

  1. Journal
    Uniform boundary stabilization of a high-order finite element space discretization of the 1-d wave equation
    Tiphaine DelaunaySébastien Imperiale, and Philippe Moireau
    Numerische Mathematik, 2024
  2. PhD thesis
    Adaptative observers for wave equations and associated discretizations: formulations and analysis
    Tiphaine Delaunay
    Institut Polytechnique de Paris, 2023