Tutored interdisciplinary project, 2024
Master Cancer Biology of Université Bordeaux, France
Master’s degree (M2)
- Creation and supervision of a project: Mathematical modeling of the growth of spheroids in free growth and in response to a non-cytotoxic drug
Introduction to PDEs and finite differences, 2022-2023
ENSTA Paris, France
Master’s degree (M1)
- Tutorial
- Practical class
- Creation of subject
- Exam monitoring
- Grading
Finite element method, 2021-2022
ENSTA Paris, France
Bachelor’s degree (L3)
- Tutorial
- Practical class
- Exam monitoring
- Grading
Scientific popularization
- Participation to 2021 Science fair, Institut Polytechnique de Paris, France
- Production of a popularization video about mathematical modeling and computer simulation, 2021
- Supervision of “Rendez-vous des jeunes mathématiciennes et informaticiennes”, online, 2021
- Popularization conference in a high school about cryptography, Academie de Créteil, online, 2021